
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
An Overview of Section 8 of the Clayton Act
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
In this episode of S&C’s Critical Insights, S&C Partners Rita-Anne O’Neill and Joe Matelis provide an overview of Section 8 of the Clayton Act and discuss how the Department of Justice’s recent enforcement actions may affect private equity firms.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
SEC v. Cochran Supreme Court Argument Preview
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
In this episode of S&C’s Critical Insights, Julia Malkina, the co-lead of S&C’s Securities Litigation practice, is joined by Judd Littleton, the co-head of the Firm’s Supreme Court and Appellate practice, to discuss the upcoming Supreme Court oral argument in SEC v. Cochran and the case’s potential implications for SEC enforcement actions.
In SEC v. Cochran, the Court will decide whether federal district courts have jurisdiction to consider structural constitutional claims that challenge ongoing SEC administrative proceedings.
Julia and Judd discuss the background of SEC v. Cochran, the key issues and arguments before the Supreme Court, and how the Court’s decision may affect SEC enforcement actions going forward.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
A Discussion of In Re Grand Jury
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
In this episode of S&C’s Critical Insights, Isaac Wheeler and Davis Wang, Co-Heads of S&C’s Tax Group, are joined by Morgan Ratner from the Firm’s Supreme Court and Appellate practice, to discuss In Re Grand Jury, a case in which the U.S. Supreme Court recently granted certiorari to address when “dual purpose” communications are afforded attorney-client privilege.
In In re Grand Jury, an unnamed law firm that specializes in international tax issues was asked to turn over documents that the firm argued are protected by the attorney-client privilege. The dual purpose communications at issue were made with the purpose of obtaining legal advice, which is generally privileged, and discussing the preparation of the client’s tax returns, which is not generally protected. A federal district court held the firm in contempt for its failure to produce the documents, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld that ruling.
Morgan, Davis and Isaac also explore hypothetical scenarios to showcase the challenges of distinguishing legal advice from what has been determined to be non-legal advice, especially in the tax field.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
S&C Corporate Governance co-heads Marc Treviño and Melissa Sawyer conclude their discussion of shareholder proposal trends from the 2022 proxy season by discussing governance proposals.
They note that nearly all of the increase in shareholder proposals over the past decade is due to environmental, social and political proposals, as opposed to governance proposals. Still, governance proposals raise important issues and their proponents have become sophisticated about how they submit these proposals.
Proposals seeking to lower the threshold of ownership needed for shareholders to call a special meeting was the largest category of structural governance proposals this year. Marc and Melissa note that the companies that defeated these proposals mostly demonstrated that the requested threshold would essentially give too much power to a single shareholder or to a couple of large holders.
Click here to learn more about S&C’s 2022 Proxy Season Review and watch our recent webinar.

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Lessons from the 2022 Proxy Season—Episode 3: Social and Political Proposals
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
S&C Corporate Governance co-heads Marc Treviño and Melissa Sawyer continue their discussion of shareholder proposal trends from the 2022 proxy season. In this episode of S&C’s Critical Insights, they explore social and political proposals, including in increase in those from so-called “anti-ESG” proponents.
This year saw big growth in social and political proposals, with an 81 percent increase in civil rights, human rights and racial equity impact-related proposals. Marc and Melissa explore the different categories of social and political proposals, including those calling for racial equity audits and civil rights audits and challenges to corporate political spending. In prior years, this category was largely taken up by DEI-related proposals. This year, proposals increasingly focused on workplace characteristics, harassment, inadequate paid sick leave, employee health and safety issues.
Click here to learn more about S&C’s 2022 Proxy Season Review and watch our recent webinar.

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Preparing Companies for Universal Proxies
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
In this episode of S&C’s Critical Insights, Sarah Payne, John Savva and Melissa Sawyer are joined by Kelly Sullivan, partner at communications firm Joele Frank, and Scott Winter, managing director at proxy solicitation firm Innisfree, to discuss the new universal proxies required by the Securities and Exchange Commission. They discuss how companies can prepare for these proxies, which must include all director nominees properly presented for election, and what to expect for the upcoming season.
The group discussed how the new ballots will likely lead to more activism, especially from smaller investors, and how companies can respond. On a positive note, the new proxy process has spurred many companies to refresh their bylaws to better address this new process.

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Lessons from the 2022 Proxy Season—Episode 2: Environmental Proposals
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Corporate Governance co-heads Marc Treviño and Melissa Sawyer and associate June Hu continue their discussion of shareholder proposal trends from the 2022 proxy season, discussing trends in environmental proposals, as well as how to prepare for 2023.
Environmental proposals have steadily increased over the past decade, with an explosion in 2021 and 2022. In 2021, these proposals rose 40 percent year-over-year and this year they jumped a further 38 percent.
With proponents more reluctant to settle and the Securities and Exchange Commission less likely to grant no-action relief, 78 percent more environmental proposals reached a shareholder vote compared to 2021. One of the most notable trends was the increased granularity of these proposals. Correlated with this increasing granularity, however, the 2022 environmental proposals received lower levels of shareholder support.
Looking forward, they expect that companies will have an even harder time negotiating a compromise or excluding environmental shareholder proposals, which may become even more granular in their demands.
Learn more from S&C’s 2022 Proxy Season Review and watch our recent webinar.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Lessons from the 2022 Proxy Season—Episode 1: The Impact of the SEC
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Corporate Governance co-heads Marc Treviño and Melissa Sawyer and associate June Hu open a four-part series discussing prevalent shareholder proposal trends from the 2022 proxy season. They outline the significant impact of recent actions by the Securities and Exchange Commission on this proxy season and discuss how SEC rulemaking could affect the 2023 season.
SEC Staff Legal Bulletin No. 14L—which reversed prior SEC guidance and altered the staff’s approach to the ordinary business and economic relevance exclusions—had a significant impact on the submission and voting trends this year. The SEC’s new approach correlated with a significant decrease in the likelihood of companies obtaining no-action relief, as the staff now assesses whether a proposal raises issues with a broad societal impact in determining whether a proposal is excludable.
As a result, shareholder proposals made it to a vote much more frequently this proxy season. Yet the number of passing proposals decreased, as shareholder support for social, environmental and political proposals decreased after steadily rising throughout the last decade.
Looking ahead, they expect ESG proponents to continue to submit more proscriptive and granular proposals to attract shareholder support. They also expect increased focus by the SEC on director qualifications, cyber security and human capital management disclosure.
Click here to learn more about S&C’s 2022 Proxy Season Review and watch our recent webinar.

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Three Corporate Tax Changes Under the Inflation Reduction Act
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
: In this episode of S&C’s Critical Insights, Davis Wang and Isaac Wheeler, co-heads of S&C’s Tax Group, are joined by Lauren Boehmke, partner in the Firm’s M&A practice, to discuss the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act and a few of its key impacts on companies and corporate transactions.
They analyze three key changes introduced by the Act: the corporate minimum tax, the one percent buyback tax and clean energy initiatives.

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
In the fourth episode of S&C’s Supreme Court Business Review series, hosts Judd Littleton, Julia Malkina and Morgan Ratner are joined by partners Diane McGimsey and Annie Ostrager to discuss two employment arbitration cases from the past term and their implications for employers.
In Viking River Cruises v. Moriana, the Supreme Court held that the Federal Arbitration Act preempts a California Supreme Court ruling insofar as it prohibits bringing certain state law claims to arbitration and reaffirmed that no party can be made to arbitrate a claim without expressly agreeing to do so. In Southwest Airlines Co. v. Saxon, the Court held that certain airline workers, baggage handlers and some of their supervisors, qualify for an exemption under Section 1 of the FAA for workers involved in interstate commerce or the transportation of goods or people.